Change of Intention

I have switched up the intention for my "blog" to be more of a "what's doin'" from my studio. I will post quick little snippets and or videos of what I'm working on in a given week. My intention is to give your day a little life instead of weighing you down with one more thing to read on the internet. Today I am rearranging and reorganizing my studio to get ready for some new projects that are cooking. 2016 already feels like a new day for Phygment Studio! Please subscribe and thank you so much for stopping by today and into the future! Please let me know if there's something in particular you want to see more of, etc... 

This is my contribution to Dot and Flow's #foliofocus - floral pattern assignment

This is my contribution to Dot and Flow's #foliofocus - floral pattern assignment

I've been building my children's book illustration portfolio. This horse will be a part of a larger illustration of a farm scene...

I've been building my children's book illustration portfolio. This horse will be a part of a larger illustration of a farm scene...

Here's a quick little valentine I did today. Happy Valentine's weekend! 

Here's a quick little valentine I did today. Happy Valentine's weekend! 


I am quite simply chuffed to have my advent doodle calendar kit featured on Lilla Rogers Make Art That Sells blog post today. 

"Chuffed" is a word I have learned from my British friends. It's still not a word picked up by Americans but I will be working on remedying that. Today, today I am chuffed to be noticed for 15 minutes :-) 

An Artist's Sketch

Hey ! I'm the featured artist on the "An Artist's Sketch" blog ! Check it out - and while you're at it - check out the other cool artists that Ria has featured ! Have a great day ! 

Link here: An Artist's Sketch 

"cactus love" - fartin' around on Photoshop this morning...

"cactus love" - fartin' around on Photoshop this morning...